Results 391 - 400 of 1367 for advisors

3 Leading Indicators Within the Labor Market

Dr. Jeffrey Roach, LPL’s Chief Economist, discusses three things investors need to know about the labor market.

The Market’s Strong Reversal, Interest Rates & the Middle East

LPL discusses the market’s strong reversal on Friday’s jobs report, interest rates, and previews the week ahead, including the Middle East and earnings season.

Broadening Out: The Expanding Market Breadth

LPL discusses strong financials sector results, looks at broadening market participation and earnings, and previews a huge week ahead including the Fed meeting.

(Still) Waiting on the Fed to Be Done Raising Rates

LPL Research discusses why they think the Fed is close to the end of its rate-hiking campaign.

Trends in the U.S.’ Fiscal Standing: What to Make of Fitch News?

LPL Chief Investment Officer Marc Zabicki examines the potential impact of Fitch’s downgrade of U.S. debt and the message Fitch may be delivering with this news.

Key Earnings Season Takeaways: Peeling Back the Onion on Q2

LPL Research peels back the onion on Q2 earnings season results—the numbers are encouraging and could signal the end of the earnings recession.

Consumer Spending and Credit Debt Impacts Inflation

LPL Chief Economist Dr. Jeffrey Roach addresses key takeaways for investors, focused on consumer spending, credit card debt balances and inflation.

Pullback Perspective: The Reasons Why Stocks Are Pulling Back

LPL Research explains why pullbacks within this bull market are completely normal, the reasons behind it, and how this could be an opportunity for investors.

Rates Up, Stocks Down, Now What? What to Expect

LPL Research shares their outlook on interest rates and on where the latest stock market pullback might end based on valuations and technical analysis.

How This U.S. Debt Downgrade is Different from 2011

LPL Research explains why the recent Fitch U.S. debt downgrade is very different for markets than the S&P downgrade in 2011.