The Yield Curve and Recession Risks

Last Edited by: LPL Research

Last Updated: April 13, 2022

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In this latest edition of LPL Street View, LPL Financial Director of Research Marc Zabicki takes a look at our statistical interpretation of a comprehensive indicator that we believe can help pinpoint recession risk.

While yield curve inversions are a big factor when measuring the risk of recession, they’re not the only factor.  In fact, a yield curve inversion measure is only one of the 10 components that make up The Conference Board’s Leading Economic Indicators Index (LEI). To determine recession risk and get a fuller understanding of the economy’s underlying strength, LPL Financial believes it’s important to look at all of these components. Today, many of the components of LEI are relatively strong, leading us to believe that a U.S. recession may not be in our immediate future. For example, the slope of the LEI can determine the economy’s momentum. Currently, the slope tells us that the Leading Economic Indicators are still rising, but at a decelerating rate.

Though our economic strength is not what it once was at its post-COVID-19 peak, the overall components of the LEI remain relatively strong.  Because of this, we believe that a U.S. recession may still be a ways off.



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All index data is from FactSet.

All information is believed to be from reliable sources; however, LPL Financial makes no representation as to its completeness or accuracy.

This Research material was prepared by LPL Financial, LLC. 


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