Meeting you when, where, and how you want

2020 has tested us all, but at LPL we’ve continued to hold onto our ultimate commitment, to take care of our advisors so they could take care of their clients. Now we’re looking forward, to how we can continue to provide a best-in-class service experience just for you.

Our Care Model is focused on you, with a promise to deliver a differentiated experience you won’t find anywhere else in the wealth management industry. We’re stepping it up in 2021, and we’re excited to hear your feedback as new programs are rolled out.

Delivering improvements, new technology, and expertise

We’re approaching our work using an Agile Management system, which effectively incorporates your feedback to deliver improvements more quickly. In Service, we’ll continue to focus on meeting you when, where, and how you want — providing ultimate flexibility.

We often say, “the best call is the one you don’t have to make.” With that in mind, our biggest technology development next year will be Live Chat, in which you can instant message a service professional instead of picking up the phone. In the same vein, we’re continuing to improve content so you can find what you need easily without having to reach out.

Of course when you do want to connect with us, providing you with efficient, accurate support is paramount. To do that, we’re taking the best of human expertise and empathy, and matching that with technology-enabled accuracy, speed, and accessibility to make your interactions with us as easy as possible. And, we’re continuing to elevate our teams with skills-based training so they’re incentivized and celebrated for becoming deeper experts in more highly skilled areas.

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Analytics, automation, and addressing complex issues

We’ll also continue work on voice analytics, to improve how we understand and react to your questions. We’ll even explore how your voice could help serve as the way we identify you.

Beyond service, we’ll continue to evolve our intelligent automation and robotics capabilities to give you quicker turnarounds on your transactions. And, when you have really complex problems, we want to leverage our effective Case Management system, but bring it to more areas of the firm – so everyone is better connected – for you.

Focusing on your sales support staff

With the shift to virtual environments this year, we held four quarterly town halls to address topics and news relevant to your sales support teams. The Q4 town hall focused on regulatory and risk news, branch exams, and year-end/tax season planning. With nearly 300 attendees, we got great feedback: “Great information that pertains specifically to what we do,” and “This was one of the best town halls by far for the information and examples that were provided.” We’re thrilled this format is working and so we plan on continuing these town halls into 2021.

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Numbers trending up

And while everything we’re working on to improve your experience may seem aspirational, the numbers so far reveal a compelling and successful story. Over the last few months, the First Contact Resolution rate has trended up, which means most issues are resolved during one interaction with Service. And, our Customer Satisfaction Score is also trending up, which means that nearly all of you are sharing you’re having a positive experience with our team.

Your feedback makes the difference

As we round the corner of this year into next, we’ll continue to set ambitious goals to drive further improvements, because our work is never done. We’ll continue to listen to what you need most and invest in innovation so you have not only the best experience in our industry, but one that exceeds expectations in any industry. We’ll continue to work to make every touchpoint with you meaningful, personal, and productive, placing you at the center of everything we do.