Three Reasons Financial Advisors Need Twitter | LPL Financial

Last Edited by: Sarah LeBlanc, Assistant Vice President, Marketing, LPL Financial

Last Updated: September 04, 2019

Three Reasons Financial Advisors Need Twitter

If you’re not using Twitter for your financial advisor business, you’re missing an opportunity. Twitter offers many benefits, and here are my top three:

1.     It’s a go-to news source for nearly 70 million Americans.

Twitter is really more of a news platform than a social media tool because the majority of Twitter users don’t tweet! They follow their favorite experts, celebrities, news outlets, and others to stay on top of their favorite topics, tips, and trends.

With this in mind, it offers financial advisors an opportunity to become that news source and promote thought leadership in your field. Show others you’re the go-to expert on financial topics, and allow people to get to know your personal brand.

2.     Influencers are active users.

Think about Twitter as a room full of the most influential folks in your community – business owners, politicians, and other community leaders. Joining Twitter is like walking into that room. Your voice can be heard by these key individuals, so it offers a powerful chance to connect.

With that in mind, what you say matters. So make sure to join the conversation with something interesting and relevant to offer so you stand out. LPL advisors can leverage the social media content library to find pre-approved articles ready to share with the ability to add your own introduction to show off your personal brand and expertise.

3.     Twitter facilitates conversations.

Hashtags group tweets together and allow you to research existing conversation or start your own. Here are a few examples of relevant hashtags you might follow and contribute to:

  • #401kRollover
  • #Retirement
  • #RetirementPlanning
  • #EstatePlanning
  • #SanDiegoSmallBusiness

The last example shows how you can view discussions happening at a local level for increased relevance. This also provides insight into others interested in this topic who you should follow.

Engage with their content to raise their awareness of you and your expertise, and this could lead to a follow-back, and eventually to offline meetings and conversations.

Tip: You can opt to use Twitter as your brand, yourself, or both. When deciding what’s best for you, consider the following:

  • Two profiles give your audience a choice for whether they want to follow you, or stay connected with your brand for updates, new content, and other announcements. However, it requires a greater time investment than selecting one or the other.
  • When selecting one or the other, consider your main objective for the platform: Is it raising brand awareness for your firm, or showcasing your own personal brand and thought leadership?
  • Users who tweet as themselves typically see more engagement (likes, replies, and retweets) on their content. This indicates Twitter users may have a preference for following and engaging with other individuals. So, keep that in mind when making your selection.


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Sarah provides custom marketing and social media consultations for LPL Finanical advisors and investment programs. In this role, she consults with and supports clients in effectively marketing their business in today's increasingly competitive environment. View full bio.