7 Steps to Creating a Successful Webinar

Last Edited by: Taylor Wilson and Katie Maxwell

Last Updated: February 02, 2021

Woman in front of lap top at table with hand raised image

Covid-19 has changed dramatically the way people conduct business, with in-person client events and seminars all but abandoned. This has given rise to a familiar yet underutilized communication tool: the webinar.

At a time when in-person meetings are unsafe or impractical, the webinar is an ideal way to connect with clients and prospects, while providing opportunities for education and fellowship.

Generally, there are two types of webinars: educational webinars, which are direct replacements for the traditional seminar; and client appreciation events, such as a virtual trivia night or wine tasting. Both serve a compelling purpose that can engage your clients.

Over the past year, the Marketing Consulting team has spoken with dozens of advisors who have staged virtual events and compiled a list of best practices for creating a successful webinar:

  1. Select a Platform – The most popular webinar platforms are Zoom, Webex, GoTo Meeting, and Microsoft Teams. While each provides the same basic service, there are distinct features, including pricing. For a detailed comparison of the platforms, check out our Fireside Chat podcast episode, “Choosing the Right Webinar Platform,” in the Resource Center.
  2. Password Protect Participation – Create a password that attendees must provide to access the webinar. Such a safeguard prevents “Zoom Bombers” from ruining the fun. Distribute the password to all of your attendees. Alternatively, take advantage of the “Waiting Room” feature, which allows you to selectively allow or deny guests to join the webinar.
  3. Curate Content – Choosing the right content is key to putting on a successful webinar, as it impacts the level of engagement with your target audience. If you will be putting on an educational webinar, you can use an outside vendor’s products and services, or you can find free seminars available in Marketing on Demand.
  4. Dress for Success – While work-from-home arrangements have many of us wearing sweats and t-shirts, opt for a professional look when hosting a webinar. It will boost your credibility and make a strong impression on your audience.
  5. Be Mindful of Timing – Be respectful of everyone’s time when you host a webinar. Most calls have firm start and stop times, which help your attendees manage their own schedules and expectations. Adhere to those times, as well as any agenda items that you promote.  Ask your attendees to hold all questions until the end, which will help maintain a smooth flow.
  6. Use Digital to Promote – Leverage your social media accounts, email, and website to promote your webinar. Creating a microsite, distributing an email newsletter, and posting details of the event on social media can create awareness and drive traffic to the event. We recommend starting an ad campaign at least 30 days before the event and sending several follow-ups at regular cadences. If you’re looking to amplify your message to new audiences, consider running a Facebook or LinkedIn ad several weeks before the event.
  7. Develop a Follow-Up Plan – Maintain the marketing and PR momentum from your webinar by sending out a follow-up email or card to attendees. Thank them for joining the call and provide them with your contact information. This is also a great opportunity to answer any lingering questions and set up meetings that could lead to acquiring new clients or increasing sales with your existing clients.

Webinars are one of the best opportunities to get to know your clients and for them to get to know you, so your event should be an accurate reflection of your personality and your business philosophy. And despite the hard work, remember to have fun with the process.

For more advice regarding virtual events, be sure to check out our podcasts and blogs in the Resource Center.

If you’d like to discuss how to stage a successful webinar or share interesting marketing tips, contact the Marketing Consulting Team at (800) 877- 7210 X6700, option 1, or email Marketing Consulting.


Questions and Consultations

If you have questions or would like to schedule a one-on-one consultation, or if you’d like to subscribe and receive email alerts when new articles become available, contact Marketing Consulting at (800) 877-7210, ext. 6700 or email Marketing Consulting.

If you’re interested in LPL running your digital marketing plan for you, ask us about our Marketing Solutions program.

Consult your compliance department for information about the rules and use of social media and the review of any and all advisor marketing materials.


Katie provides strategic, customized marketing consultations to independent advisors, banks, and institutions on website design, content creation, and social media best practices. View full bio.