Blog Post Publishing Frequency Advice | LPL Blog

Last Edited by: Sarah LeBlanc, Assistant Vice President, Marketing, LPL Financial

Last Updated: July 02, 2018

Blog post frequency

How often should you blog or post on social media? This is a common question, and there are plenty of recommendations out there if you search Google for answers. Here are a few I found from credible sources:

  • Post to your Facebook Business Page 3-10 times per week (Constant Contact)
  • Tweet 5-10 times per day (Fast Company)
  • Post 2-5 times per week on LinkedIn (Hubspot)
  • Post a new blog article once or twice a week (Forbes)

My advice?

Focus less on social and blog post frequency, and more on valuable content.

Your content needs to stand out in the newsfeed and add value in order to be noticed by your audience. Think about how you scroll through your own LinkedIn homepage. Do you stop and look at everything? Probably not. Most likely, you focus in on compelling images and relevant, interesting topics. The rest is just background noise, right?

Background noise content is not memorable.

The more often people stop and look at your content, the more often they perceive you’re posting. In other words, you could post 20 “background noise” tweets a day, but if no one notices them, you won’t be perceived as active on Twitter.

On the other hand, imagine you tweet only once every couple of days, but you’re tweeting interesting, relevant content that catches people’s eye in the newsfeed and gets a high volume of engagement (likes, comments, retweets, etc.). That’s memorable. People start to look forward to your content and they perceive you as more active.

Perception is reality.

Instead of focusing on the how many blog posts per week or the volume of social posts, focus on your audience and what they’ll find interesting and helpful. Make it visual, so it catches their eye. Spend more time focusing on the quality of your content than the quantity, and you’ll reap the rewards in client engagement, retention, referrals, brand awareness, and the perception of high activity.

The more often you post valuable content, the better.

For the record, I’m not advocating walking away from your blog or your social media profiles until you think of something important to say. You DO need to post regularly, think about timing blog posts for optimal impact, and stay top of mind with your audience. This will prevent your content archive from appearing neglected and stale.

If you’re wondering how often should you blog and post in 2019 while keeping content quality high, here are a few tips:

  • Create a content calendar, planning out blog topics and social media posts at a frequency you can stick to
  • Delegate content creation to others on your team to share the workload and showcase the breadth of knowledge within your office
  • Share content from reputable sources, and add your own voice to the introduction—this adds value and displays thought leadership while saving time
  • LPL advisors should sign up for the social media content library through the Resource Center on ClientWorks for a robust selection of pre-approved, curated articles that can be quickly shared or automated
  • Pre-approved educational articles are available for LPL advisors to keep your blog active


Get more digital and social media marketing strategies when you grow your business with LPL.

If you’re already an LPL advisor, get exclusive marketing and social media tools and trainings on the Resource Center.

You should consult your compliance department for information about the rules and use of social media.




Sarah provides custom marketing and social media consultations for LPL Financial advisors and investment programs. In this role, she consults with and supports clients in effectively marketing their business in today's increasingly competitive environment. View full bio.