LPL Financial’s Tools for Success: Social Media Workbook

Last Edited by: Sarah LeBlanc, Vice President, Marketing, LPL Financial

Last Updated: January 03, 2022

holding cell phone

By now, we’re all aware of the powerful role social media can play in growing your financial advisor practice and staying connected with clients and influencers. Many LPL advisors are actively using LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter to engage their audience, and some are just getting started.

No matter where you are on your social media journey, the LPL Marketing Consulting team has a tool to help you lay a solid foundation for success or fine-tune your existing profile and content strategy for your financial business.

Social Media Workbook

LPL’s Social Media Workbook walks you step-by-step through the process of creating a killer LinkedIn profile, adding connections to your network, developing a content strategy, and incorporating video into the mix. Let’s take a look at some of the key learnings you’ll uncover when you leverage this tool.

LinkedIn Profile

LinkedIn is a professional site by nature and allows you to connect with valuable individuals like business owners, executives, and centers of influence. So, it’s no surprise that most financial advisors start their social media activity on LinkedIn. What you might not know is having just a basic profile isn’t always enough to stand out from the crowd. A few tips:

  • Write a strong headline to differentiate yourself from others with similar job titles
  • Use the Summary section to tell your story in a way that connects with your ideal clients
  • Include relevant work experience and areas of expertise
  • Consider the keywords your prospects might be searching for and include them in your profile
  • Capture their attention with an engaging background photo and current headshot

In the workbook: Actionable tips and examples to help you enhance all of these areas and build your personal brand

Prospecting on LinkedIn

With nearly 800 million members worldwide, LinkedIn provides a database of professionals you can research and connect with in order to raise awareness of you and your brand. Search by location, current or past employer, industry, profile language, schools, and more. You can even narrow your search results to “2nd connections,” to identify people your current network can introduce you to. Best of all, this feature is included with the free version of LinkedIn—no upgrade needed!

In the workbook: Step-by-step instructions for performing a search and sample scripts to use when inviting a new prospect to connect

Content Marketing and Video

Once you’ve grown your audience, share regular content to educate them on your areas of expertise and stay top-of-mind to inspire referrals and nurture prospects through the sales funnel. Content should be relevant and meaningful to your target market, and having a plan for execution ensures consistency.

In the workbook: Tips for brainstorming content topics, timely ideas for inspiration, best practices for video marketing. and sample video scripts

Get the Social Media Workbook

LPL advisors can download the workbook from the ClientWorks Resource Center (search “social media workbook”), or order a hard copy from Marketing On Demand.

Questions and Consultations

If you have questions or would like to schedule a one-on-one consultation, or if you’d like to subscribe and receive email alerts when new articles become available, contact LPL Marketing Consulting at (800) 877-7210, Option 9, Option 5, Option 1, or email Marketing Consulting.

Consult your compliance department for information about the rules and use of social media and the review of all advisor marketing materials.


Sarah provides custom marketing and social media consultations for LPL Finanical advisors and investment programs. In this role, she consults with and supports clients in effectively marketing their business in today's increasingly competitive environment. View full bio.