Podcasting and Video Marketing: One Advisors Success Story

Last Edited by: Advisor: Aaron B. Moore

Last Updated: November 07, 2022

camera on tripod

Aaron B. Moore, Wealth Advisor at SageCrest Financial, broke into video marketing by sharing engaging clips of his podcast, Exponential Wealth, on social media. Since its launch in April 2022, the podcast has helped deepen Aaron’s client relationships, expand his professional networking opportunities, and expedite his content creation process.

Below, he shares the marketing strategies that have worked for his practice.

Getting Started with Marketing Consulting

What sparked Aaron’s initial interest in creating videos for social media was noticing the boom of video content online. His goal was to become the trusted authority for clients and prospects by producing great content. “We cut through all the noise in the social media sea of vast amounts of information and infinite choice. Video is the way to stand out in the crowd, to get noticed,” he said.

Aaron also shared how meeting with Marketing Consulting and working closely with compliance helped clarify his marketing goals further. “Those early meetings set me up for success, offering support and encouragement that producing great content via podcasting and video can be a great source of delivering value to current clients and granting exposure to future clients. ComplianceMax has also been a great platform and partner in helping approve the many transcripts that I upload. Knowing LPL supports my efforts has meant a lot throughout this process.”

Staying Consistent with a Content Strategy

The key to video marketing on social media is to stay consistent. For Aaron, this means:

  • Posting twice a week
  • Engaging with his community’s posts
  • Proactively reaching out to other professionals and potential prospects he’s met through LinkedIn
  • While LinkedIn has broadened his audience, Aaron still finds calls and introductory emails effective outreach tools for connecting with new prospects.

Power of Relationships

Aaron also utilizes the power of relationships to provide clients value while benefiting from reaching new audiences. On the Exponential Wealth podcast, he has interviewed various professionals including a CPA, attorneys, a retirement plan administrator, and more. The video content is then shared by those guests to their following, which helps get Aaron in front of new people. “This gives the opportunity for new people to learn who I am and for us to meet under favorable circumstances, all through professional connections of people who do business together in real life,” he shared.

Time Management

Finding time to deliver consistent content can be overwhelming. For Aaron, outsourcing is key to managing his time. “As financial advisors, our time is spent delivering excellence to our existing clients, and prospecting for the next ones. The strategy is to be efficient with my content production so it does not affect the workday. If you have children, and my wife and I have two little ones at home, time becomes even more important.  I do have a team who I’ve hired to help me edit and produce my podcast show, they also help chop up the show into short clips. That way I can focus on my number one task of advising clients, and being present at home with my family,” he said.

Recommendations to other LPL Advisors

If you’re looking to stand out on LinkedIn, Aaron suggestions, “Produce lots of video content! It helps to have a nice biography on LinkedIn that lets people know who you are and how you can help, as well as a clean profile picture. As a thought leader, you definitely want to increase the number of connections you have. Marketing Consulting recommends having at least 500 connections, with as many of those as possible being high quality connections.” Engaging with users on your posts and writing thoughtful responses to people you follow can boost your content over time.

Trust the Process

When he began producing video content, he often had few likes and no engagement or comments. Now, each post yields more engagement and higher viewership.

“Even if I’m not getting a ton of likes each video post, the videos are being noticed at least 10 times more. I remain confident that the process of producing content and engaging with online audiences will pay off long-term. I am confident that the results will show and build a reputation for my own personal financial practice and that of my firm, SageCrest Wealth Management,” Aaron stated.

Compliance Tips

Before you begin producing and publishing video content, Aaron suggests familiarizing yourself with compliance guidelines. Clarifying expectations up front will prevent the risk of having to re-record a guest’s interview and save you valuable time in the long run.

Consult your compliance department for information about the rules and use of social media, video, podcasting, and the review of all advisor marketing materials.

Questions and Consultations

If you have questions or would like to schedule a one-on-one consultation, or if you’d like to subscribe and receive email alerts when new articles become available, contact LPL Marketing Consulting at (800) 877-7210, Option 9, Option 5, Option 1, or email Marketing Consulting.

If you’re interested in a digital marketing strategy that is executed on your behalf, please visit LPL Business Solutions Discover Marketing to complete the form, and a member of their team will be in touch with you directly.

Consult your compliance department for information about the rules and use of social media and the review of all advisor marketing materials.


The views and opinions by the Financial Advisor(s) are as of the date of the recording. These views may not be representative of the views of other Financial Advisors and are not indicative of future performance or success. Neither LPL Financial nor the LPL Financial Advisor can be held responsible for any direct or incidental loss incurred by applying any of the information offered. Securities and advisory services offered through LPL Financial, a registered investment advisor and broker-dealer (member FINRA/SIPC).


"Dream It. Plan It. Live it." Today, I have dedicated my life and my career to helping friends and family (i.e. my clients) pursue financial success and wellness, however that applies in their lives. I empower my clients to make smart investment and financial decisions. Together we prepare and implement goal-based financial recommendations and strategies. With a team of experience financial planners, and a host of professional resources at our fingertips, I do the heavy lifting for my clients to help make sure they get on track and stay on track toward financial success.

-Aaron B. Moore, SageCrest Wealth Management