Digital Marketing for Financial Advisors | LPL Financial Blog

Last Edited by: Katie Maxwell, Assistant Vice President, Marketing, LPL Financial

Last Updated: February 19, 2019

Digital marketing strategy for financial advisors

I’m often asked for the “secret sauce” or “magic formula” to a successful digital marketing strategy. Typically, my answer is that every financial advisors practice is unique and each book of business is not created equally. For this reason, it’s important to take a strategic and tailored approach to determine what works best for your practice.

With that said, there are five digital marketing pillars we rely on to help you build a successful foundation for marketing your business. Following these steps can increase your success in reaching your target audience, driving awareness of your brand, and retaining long-term client relationships.

1.     Website

Simply put, financial advisors need a website because current and prospective clients expect you to have an online footprint for credibility. Don’t forget that referrals still play today: We know 70% of new business comes from referrals, but we also know that 81% of consumers will research online first before making a buying decision.

The upshot: Your website is your digital storefront and can make or break your business today. So whether you believe it drives new business or brings leads your way—similarly to the human heartbeat—it’s essential to the vitality of your digital strategy.

2.     Content

If your brand goal is to stay relevant and withstand subsequent generations of investors over time, you have to engage your target audience in the way they want and expect you to. For example, I recommend every website incorporate a blog and at least some sort of video content.

Remember, unless you’re using boosted posts or paid ads, original content is one of the most affordable types of content because it’s free. Whether your content is paid or organic, posting to LinkedIn, Facebook Business, and Twitter can not only help your business’s short-term bottom line, but also change the way your brand is perceived to drive long-term value.

3.     Email

When used properly, email can be a great digital marketing tool to help you stay top of mind with current and prospective clients. The key here is to think strategically and consistently engage using content they genuinely care about and look forward to receiving.

When planning your email strategy, one thing to keep in mind is that not everyone wants to read about finance or the market. It’s perfectly acceptable—and at times even preferable—to share lifestyle content (top vacation spots, holiday trends, family, local activities or events, etc.)

4.     Social Media

Social media is arguably the most powerful digital marketing tool we have available today. In fact, social selling is becoming more popular each day. I recommend creating a customized content strategy that targets niche markets specifically where your book of business lives online.

For example, if you’re targeting retirees, you’re likely going to start with sharing relevant and engaging content on Facebook. If you’re looking to target higher-net-worth business professionals, you’ll want choose social selling on LinkedIn.

5.     Marketing Point Person

Assigning a point person for your digital marketing efforts is the best way to ensure the success of your digital marketing plan. It’s important to have someone who will own and drive the progress of your digital marketing strategy forward.

They should have clear goals and objectives, update you on progress regularly, have a solution-focused mindset, and have a creative and innovative approach.


Find out more about financial advisor marketing strategies and growing your business with LPL.

Already growing with LPL? Don't forget about the exclusive digital marketing tools and trainings available to you in the Resource Center.

You should consult your compliance department for information about the rules and use of social media.




Katie provides strategic, customized marketing consultations to independent advisors, banks, and institutions on website design, content creation, and social media best practices. View full bio.