Five LPL Resources to Support Your Virtual Events

Last Edited by: Katie Maxwell, Assistant Vice President, Marketing, LPL Financial

Last Updated: July 06, 2021

LPL Financial Marketing Blog

After more than a year of living through a pandemic and lockdown, we’ve gained a greater appreciation of the benefits that a virtual event can deliver to your financial practice. Ease of access has brought enhanced visibility for many financial advisors, which has fostered relationship building far beyond the boundaries of traditional face-to-face events. In fact, as communities begin to reopen, many advisors and their clients are continuing to request virtual meetings and events because of their convenience.

To assist you as you continue to meet with your clients and prospects virtually, we’ve compiled five LPL resources to help support your planning.

1.  Webinar & Event Guide and Checklist

Our new Webinar & Event Guide and Checklist is now live in the Resource Center. The digital event guide is packed full of best practices, from selecting the best platform to dressing the part. We’ve also given you practical examples of event details, including invitation design, promotional emails, and social media posts. We’ve also included a detailed five-week checklist to help you stay on track as your event approaches. It includes everything from setting your date, to post-event follow up items that you won’t want to forget.

For those who have access to the Resource Center: Click here!

2. Event Resources Page on the Resource Center

The Event Ideas & Direct Mail page on the Resource Center includes a plethora of tools and materials that can help you host a successful virtual or in-person event. The invitation, signup sheet, and event survey are all customizable templates that you can download and begin using after they’ve gone through compliance. Wondering how much your event will cost and its expected return? Download our Event Budget Template and Event ROI Calculator to help guide your decision-making.  

For those who have access to the Resource Center: Click here!

3. Fireside Chat Podcast

If you’re on the go and would prefer to listen to our advice on virtual events, we’ve got you covered! Our Fireside Chat podcast is a bi-weekly podcast filled with industry best practices, tips and tricks.  Current episodes include “Client Events”, “Choosing the Right Webinar Platform”, “Webinar Best Practices,” and “Looking Professional During a Webinar.” Begin listening today!

For those who have access to the Resource Center: Click here!

4. LPL Marketing Blog

Our marketing blog is updated each month with new content. You can find the full archive on and the Resource Center. Check out these two recent articles that offer event planning tips: “7 Steps to Creating a Successful Webinar” and “Seven Steps to Host a Successful Virtual Event”.

5. Marketing Consulting Team

As always, the Marketing Consulting team is here to support your digital marketing and virtual event planning strategies. If you do not have access to the Resource Center and would like to see the above material, or if you’re looking for ways to get started or new ideas to take your virtual events to the next level, reach out to us by email [email protected], or by phone at (800)-877-7210 X6700, option 1.

We look forward to helping you thrive!

For those who have access to the Resource Center: Click here!


Katie provides strategic, customized marketing consultations to independent advisors, banks, and institutions on website design, content creation, and social media best practices. View full bio.