5 Beginner Tips for Facebook Live | Social Media Marketing

Last Edited by: Katie Maxwell, Assistant Vice President, Marketing, LPL Financial

Last Updated: July 08, 2020

graphic-styled image of African American woman with hand out

Now more than ever, video content is the most effective way for financial professionals to stay top of mind with clients and prospects. So effective, in fact, that YouTube is the most widely adopted search engine next to Google, with a whopping 500 hours of video uploaded per minute and over a billion hours of video viewed daily. While video creation is rapidly increasing, we’re also seeing live video streaming, such as Facebook Live, take flight.

If you’re not already familiar with Facebook Live, it’s a feature that allows you to broadcast real-time video to the Facebook platform using the camera on your computer or smartphone. As the live broadcaster, you have the power to decide who on Facebook can see your videos and in turn, can utilize this content to engage your audience and build a community online.  

For financial professionals, this is an exciting and simple way to use the power of video to communicate your brand, highlight your value proposition, and continue building authentic relationships—in real-time.

Consider these facts about Facebook Live:

  • According to Vimeo, 78% of online audiences are watching video content on Facebook Live.

  • Facebook Live videos see three times more engagement than traditional videos watched on the platform.

  • Facebook Live currently generates over 3,000 years of video watch time every single day.

LPL Financial professionals who have an active Social Patrol account are permitted to use Facebook Live. If you’re considering getting started and would like to get the most out of the platform, check out these five tips for beginners:

  1. Internet connection is key: Before you get started with live streaming video, you’ll want to make sure your home or office is equipped with a strong Wi-Fi signal. Live stream quality will be based on your connection speed, and for the most optimal experience, you’ll want to ensure your connectivity is in tip-top shape.

  2. Promote your broadcast: To ensure you’re capturing the attendance numbers you’re hoping to achieve, build anticipation by letting people know when you'll be broadcasting live on Facebook. This can be done in an email communication, positing on social media channels, and even as an event listing on your website.

  3. Engage with your audience: Facebook prioritizes content that encourages meaningful conversations and interactions between the people you’re connected with. For this reason, I recommend actively responding to comments during your broadcast and verbally addressing folks as they join. This helps to promote those relevant and engaging conversations while you continue to shape your brand, build your community, and reiterate your value proposition.

  4. Broadcast length matters: Broadcasting for longer periods of time helps you reach more people. Why? Facebook actually prioritizes longer videos that motivate people to continue watching. The sweet spot to aim for here is three minutes or longer. The idea is that the longer you are live, the more likely people are to discover your content.

  5. Go live frequently: As with all content creation, going live frequently in a cadence that you’re comfortable with will be most effective. Whether you decide to go live every week, or the first and third Friday of the month is up to you. Whatever you choose, stick with it so your audience knows what to expect from you and looks forward to the content you publish.

Lastly, don’t be afraid to crowd source for content topics your audience is interested in hearing about. Asking directly about what they want to see from you will ensure you’re creating the most engaging content. This is also another way you can highlight your thought leadership and continue to shape the brand and topics you want to be known for.

For additional support with your Facebook Live strategy, contact our Marketing Consulting team at 800-877-7210 X6700 or [email protected]. For Compliance do’s and don’ts while executing Facebook Live, please contact their team at 800-877-7210 X6590 or [email protected]

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You should consult your compliance department for information about the rules and use of social media and the review of any and all marketing materials.

All company names and products noted herein are for educational purposes only and not an indication of trading intent or a solicitation of their products or services. LPL Financial doesn’t provide research on individual equities.



Katie provides strategic, customized marketing consultations to independent advisors, banks, and institutions on website design, content creation, and social media best practices. View full bio.