Financial Blog Content Creation Process Tips | LPL Blog

Last Edited by: Sarah LeBlanc, Assistant Vice President, Marketing, LPL Financial

Last Updated: September 05, 2018

Financial blog content creation

We’re all pressed for time. So, if you’re currently writing a blog or considering it, you might also be thinking there just aren’t enough hours in the day to get it done. I have good news — people don’t have much time to read your content either. So for everyone’s sake, keep it short.

Here’s a 4-step blog content creation strategy to help you get your ideas out there, engage existing clients and attract more prospects.

4-Step Blog Content Creation Process Flow

1.     Write

Come up with your topic first, and then just get it all out on paper. Don’t worry about spelling, grammar, structure, or length at this stage. Let it flow.

2.     Read

Go back and read your article for clarity. Does it make sense? Get someone else to read it, too. Can they summarize the message you intended? Do they find the information helpful or interesting.

3.     Edit

Correct spelling and grammar as needed, clean up the structure, and make any edits based on the feedback you received. Look for ways to shorten the content. Remove redundancies and omit unnecessary language. The aim is to condense your copy down to approximately three-quarters to one full page in length, if you’re writing in Microsoft Word.

If this is too difficult, consider whether you can break the topic up into a series of articles instead.

Structural Tip: Add visual cues like bold sentences, numbers and bullet points to break the content into smaller chunks and make it easier for readers to skim key points.

4.     Publish

Don’t overanalyze your article too much. There will always be small edits you can make, or improvements here and there. But save yourself the analysis paralysis and recognize when it’s good enough to publish and get it out there. (After it’s been compliance-approved, of course.)

Creative Content Creation Resources & Tips

Use the website to check your content for errors and grammatical mistakes.

Once you master the art of keeping it simple, you’ll not only save time on content creation, but you might also find it increases engagement from busy readers who appreciate brevity.

Bonus Tip: The same principle applies to your social media posts. Twitter’s character restrictions have trained us to cut the excess out of our tweets. Apply the same restraint to your Facebook and LinkedIn posts, and your audience will appreciate the clarity and conciseness it brings to your messages.


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Sarah provides custom marketing and social media consultations for LPL Financial advisors and investment programs. In this role, she consults with and supports clients in effectively marketing their business in today's increasingly competitive environment. View full bio.